Use of Rubber Fruit Seeds in Making Fine Artworks at SMA Negeri 1 Payaraman


  • Herisa Aji Hikdawati SMA Negeri 1 Payaraman
  • Muhammad Kristiawan Universitas Bengkulu



Fine Arts, Rubber Fruit Seeds, Works of Art


Rubber plants are very easy to find around SMAN 1 Payaraman because they are widely cultivated by the community around the school. One of the parts contained in the rubber plant is the rubber fruit seeds. Rubber fruit seeds are covered with a hard-textured seed coat, brown, and have a distinctive pattern. The inside of the rubber fruit seeds is usually processed as a food source by the people in the Payaraman area. Meanwhile, the shells of rubber fruit seeds, which have a hard, brownish texture, are only waste and no one has used them yet. The purpose of this research is to find out the process of using rubber fruit seeds in the creation of works of art. In making works of art using rubber fruit seeds, researchers are divided into several stages, namely; determining the theme, determining the type of work, determining the technique of making the work, preparing tools and materials, and making works of art based on the techniques students like. The result of this study is that students can create various works of art from rubber seeds. The types of works of art made from rubber seeds that were made by students were: paintings, key chains, flowers, wall hangings, and ant figures. Utilizing rubber fruit seeds in making works of art, can increase the knowledge of teachers and students to use various kinds of media that exist around the school so that they can become works of art which will certainly add to the selling value of a work of art.


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How to Cite

Hikdawati, H. A., & Kristiawan, M. (2024). Use of Rubber Fruit Seeds in Making Fine Artworks at SMA Negeri 1 Payaraman. PPSDP International Journal of Education, 3(1), 83–93.