The Influence of Organizational Culture and School Principal’s Supervision on the Teaching Quality of Teacher
Education, Organizational Culture, Principal’s Supervision, Teaching QualityAbstract
Creating quality education can be achieved through the quality of teachers’ teaching; therefore, schools must have an effective organizational culture. An ineffective organizational culture affects the low quality of teachers’ teaching and is also caused by the principal’s inability to address problems from the outset. By observing the dynamics occurring within the school, this research reveals unique aspects that have not been fully explored in previous relevant studies. This article uses a quantitative method aimed at analyzing the partial and simultaneous influence of organizational culture and school’s principal supervision on the quality of teachers’ teaching at SMK Taqwa Palembang. Hypothesis testing was conducted on partial variables through simple linear regression tests and on simultaneous variables through multiple linear regression tests. The results obtained show no significant partial influence with significance values of 0.874 and 0.739, respectively. This also applies to the simultaneous variables, where no significant influence was found with a significance value of 0.949. This paper states other factors have a much greater influence on the quality of teachers’ teaching at SMK Taqwa Palembang besides the factors of organizational culture and principal’s supervision. This paper contributes to the principals and stakeholders of education, to know that organizational culture and principal’s supervision were not significant influence teachers’ teaching quality.
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