Policy Analysis of Pancasila Student Profiles in Strengthening Students’ Character Education
Character Education, Pancasila Student Profile, Policy AnalysisAbstract
The policy regarding the Pancasila student profile is a policy to increase positive values in students. This study aims to provide a description of the results of the analysis of the Pancasila student profile policy to strengthen the character or values of students at SMA Negeri 1 Belitang III OKU Timur. The research was conducted with reference to qualitative methods, specifically using a case study approach and literature (books, literature, and scientific journals). The results of the research conducted show that the policy regarding the Pancasila student profile has been proven to be able to strengthen the character (faith and devotion to God Almighty, having noble morals, having a cooperative attitude, being creative, independent, and having critical reasoning) of students, especially at SMA Negeri 1 Belitang III Oku Timur.
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