Improving Learning Outcomes of SD Negeri 4 Sembawa Students on Materials in Various Styles of Science Subjects Using Demonstration Methods
Demonstration Methods, Learning Outcomes, Various StylesAbstract
This research was motivated by low student learning outcomes and not meeting the specified minimum completeness criteria, namely ≥70. This research aims to improve the learning outcomes of Class IV students at SDN 4 Sembawa in science subjects with various styles of material using the demonstration method. The research subjects were class IV with a total of 25 students. The implementation of this learning improvement uses the classroom action research stages which consist of design, implementation, data collection and reflection in two cycles, namely Cycle I and Cycle II. This research succeeded in increasing the average student scores from cycle I and cycle II. In cycle I there were several students who did not exceed the minimum completeness criteria, namely 8 students with a ratio of 32%, while 17 students exceeded the minimum completeness criteria with a ratio of 68%. In cycle II, many students did not exceed the minimum completeness criteria, namely 3 students with a ratio of 12%, while 22 students exceeded the minimum completeness criteria with a ratio of 88%. These results show that by using the demonstration method, students’ science learning outcomes increase.
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