Implementation of Academic Supervision at SDN 1 Muara Burnai 2 Lempuing Jaya, OKI
Academic, Supervision, Teaching and LearningAbstract
The formulation of this research problem is how to implement the implementation of academic supervision activities at SDN 1 Muara Burnai 2, Lempuing Jaya District, OKI Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of academic supervision activities at SD Negeri 1 Muara Burnai 2. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The selection of this method aims to make it easier for researchers to describe the implementation of academic supervision activities at SDN 1 Muara Burnai 2. The method of collecting data regarding the implementation of academic supervision is carried out through observation and interview activities. The result of this study is that the implementation of academic supervision activities at SDN 1 Muara Burnai 2 runs well in accordance with the program or schedule that has been determined at the beginning of the year of implementation of the learning activities prepared.
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