The Many Faces of a Teacher: Exploring School Teachers’ Experiences with Multiple Responsibilities Amidst Post-Pandemic Times
Lived Experiences, Multiple Responsibilities in School, Post-Pandemic TimesAbstract
This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of public elementary school teachers in Carmen District, Davao del Norte, Philippines, in handling multiple responsibilities during the post-pandemic period. Ten teachers were selected as participants using purposive sampling techniques. The study identified four main themes characterizing teachers' experiences: Testing teachers' versatility, Doing countless responsibilities, Excelling amidst trials, and Challenged with Multiple Responsibilities. Additionally, two coping mechanisms emerged from the data: Stress management and One task at a time system. Furthermore, the study uncovered insights related to educational management, including themes such as Work-life balance and Handling Task Conflict Effectively. The findings provide valuable insights into the nuanced challenges faced by public elementary school teachers in the post-pandemic context and offer implications for educational policy and practice.
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