Utilizing Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Educational Administration to Enhance School Performance at Junior High School
Artificial Intelligence, Educational Administration, School Performance, Utilizing TechnologyAbstract
This study aims to explore the use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in education administration to improve school performance. In the growing digital era, demands for efficiency and effectiveness in education administration are increasing, especially with the development of school information management systems (SIMS) and AI-based technologies. This research examines how these technologies can automate routine tasks such as class scheduling, student data management, as well as improve data-driven decision-making that is more accurate and efficient. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, with the process of collecting data through in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis directly from several schools that have adopted this technology. In analyzing the data, I used Miles and Hubberman's data triangulation technique in the form of data reduction, data analysis, and conclusion drawing. The results show that the implementation of technology and AI has improved operational efficiency, accelerated administrative processes, and facilitated the monitoring of student and staff performance. However, the study also found challenges in technology adoption, including limited infrastructure, resistance to change, and concerns regarding data privacy. To overcome these obstacles, a holistic strategy is needed, including the development of supportive policies, digital skills training for staff, and improvement of technology infrastructure in schools. This research concludes that although the application of technology and AI in education administration faces various barriers, the potential benefits are significant, especially in terms of improving the efficiency, transparency and overall quality of school performance.
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