The Principal’s Leadership Style in Improving the Quality of Education
Education, Leadership, Principal, QualityAbstract
This study aims to describe the leadership style of school principals: (1) the leadership style of school principals who have integrity in improving the quality of education; (2) the leadership style of the principal who is virtuous in improving the quality of education; and (3) the leadership style of the principal who has the ability to improve the quality of education. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach. The results obtained from this study are: (1) the integrity leadership style of the principal at RA AL-Muttaqin Palembang, is quite consistent between what is said and what is done, namely if the principal says “next month the RA children will take part in the hajj”. So, he will carry it out, because the hajj manasik education program is an annual activity organized by RA as an integral part of the RA Curriculum. This program is held every year to enrich students’ understanding of hajj from an early age; (2) The Virtue leadership style of the principal at RA AL-Muttaqin Palembang, is quite in accordance with the definition of the Virtue leadership style, namely the RA principal who is very wise and very protective of his subordinates; and (3) the leadership style of the principal’s ability at RA AL-Muttaqin Palembang, which is quite in accordance with the definition of leadership style ability. The Principal of RA School, who has been very experienced in teaching for approximately 18 years, is undoubtedly capable of handling RA children.
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