Increasing Students Interest and Learning Outcomes in Summative Assessment through the Quizizz Offline Application


  • Nevin Susanti SD Negeri 11 Sembawa
  • Muhammad Kristiawan Universitas Bengkulu



Learning Outcomes, Offline Quizizzz, Summative Assessment


The Covid-19 pandemic period has ended, marked by face-to-face learning, but we are still feeling the impact of the pandemic, especially on students’ motivation and interest in learning which is still very low. So the assessment results are still far below standard. In class IV of SDN 11 Sembawa, students really don’t like the implementation of the Daily Assessment, this becomes a burden for the students because they see this from day to day, therefore educators are looking for new methods that will be implemented in class during the implementation of the Daily Assessment. The method that educators will use is the offline Quizizz application as a learning medium and carrying out summative assessments. The use of the Quizizz offline application in class IV at SDN 11 Sembawa was the first time. In this research, the problem that will be discussed is increasing student interest and learning outcomes in summative assessments through the Quizizz Offline application. The results of this research are that students are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about working on questions and are able to train their cognitive abilities and focus their concentration in answering questions and are able to improve learning outcomes. The aim of this research is to arouse students’ interest in carrying out summative assessments and at the same time make it easier for teachers to carry out assessments quickly and efficiently so that the results achieved increase. The method used in this research is data collection techniques by observation, then interviews are conducted with students and teachers and the next method used is experimentation. The main findings in this research are the teacher’s monotony in carrying out summative assessments and students’ lack of interest in carrying out assessments and student results in carrying out assessments are still below the standard achievement criteria.


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How to Cite

Susanti, N., & Kristiawan, M. (2024). Increasing Students Interest and Learning Outcomes in Summative Assessment through the Quizizz Offline Application. PPSDP International Journal of Education, 3(1), 17–25.